Friday, July 27, 2007

Another rainy day in coastal Fla.

Well we tried to spend a few hours with Jeff today at the beach but, right after we got there we had to "bug out". The lightening and rain the came on really quick! We are still trying to adjust to the way of life out here....... Ty starts his job at the local Publix next week. He is excited to be able to earn a little cash again. He is wanting to rent then buy a surf board. Go figure!!! lol

We are still loving it here, however the issue is how expensive it is to live here in Fla., not just on the coast. Our car insurance will triple because we live in what is considered South Fla. but, rental insurance is nothing!!!!! Which I thought would be the opposite! Groceries are much higher than in the Atlanta area. But, hey who can complain when I can be at the beach in under 5 Min's.

Ty got registered for school. They start Aug. 20th. He will be in the 11th grade. Man............. just to think he was a little "chipmunk checked " kid the last time we lived in Fla. Now, he is soooo stink'n tall! Not to mention cute.
We come to the big "A" town the first of August for Ty's appointment to have his teeth finished. Man, they look so good. I am so happy for him!

That's all for now...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I look forward to keeping up with the Thills through the internet.
Miss y'all.